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Health protection


List of projects:

  • KIK/33 Education, promotion and prevention as regards oral healthcare directed to small children, their parents, careers and educators;
  • KIK/34 Preventing overweight and obesity as well as chronic diseases by education on nutrition and physical activity of the society;
  • KIK/35 Prevention of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infections;
  • KIK/55 Improving the quality of services provided in social welfare homes and care and education centres;
  • KIK/56 Improvement in the infrastructure of nursing homes and/orspecial education centres and improving personnel qualifications, nurses included;
  • KIK/57 Improvement of the quality of the services rendered in Social Welfare Organization Units (SWOUs) to strengthen the subjectivity and active life of the persons entrusted to care;
  • KIK/58 A Helping Hand in a Safe Environment;
  • KIK/68 Prophylactic Programme for the Prevention of Addiction to Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Psychoactive Substances.

This focus area is characterized by the programme approach (a programme consists of component projects linked by a common theme or shared objectives) with the following objectives:

Objective No. 1: To promote healthy lifestyles and to prevent communicable diseases on national level and in geographical focus areas
Objective No. 2: To strengthen primary health care and social services in the peripherial and disadvantageous region of the geographic focus areas in favouring a multi-sectoral programmatic approach.

Total allocation for the focus area amounts up to CHF 38 979 938 (as of 2012).

Objective No. 1)
To promote healthy lifestyles and to prevent communicable diseases on national level and in geographical focus areas

On account of the specific character of the sector covered by the support, the call for programme proposals within a given objective is of restricted character (there will be no open call for the propramme proposals). The Ministry of Health takes part in the identification process of the programmes eligible for co-financing.

Total allocation for the objective – up to CHF 18 Mio, minimum amount of programme co-financing – CHF 4 Mio, maximum amount of programme co-financing – CHF 6 Mio.

The programmes proposed will be subject to formal appraisal by the Intermediate Body (Office for Foreign Aid Programs in Health Care), and content-related appraisal  by the Intermediate Body, the Evaluation Committee, National Coordination Unit and the Swiss side. The final decision on co-financing will be taken by the donor state.

Support within the Objective No. 1 is aimed to cover communication actions, promotional campaigns, training and prevention actions within the following programmes:

1. Preventing overweight and obesity well as chronic diseases by education on nutrition and physical activity of the society.

The programme is a long-term campaign promoting health with a nationwide coverage, directed to the whole society, in particular to the target group defined below.

The programme covers the following scope of activities:

  • Activities addressed to pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers on the role of correct nutrition in preventing overweight and obesity;
  • Courses, trainings on the role of the correct nutrition and physical activity in physical and intellectual development of children and young people;
  • Activities aimed at motivating people to follow the rules of the correct nutrition and physical activity;
  • Trainings for food producers on the role of food and nutrition in preventing food-related diseases and possibilities of influencing the quality of food by improving the technology of food production and formulas;
  • Activities aimed at dissemination of the knowledge about the content and nutritional value of food products and food labeling allowing the consumers to make conscious choice;
  • Actions promoting a balanced diet and physical activity for school children and young people;

Training on the negative influence of advertisements on the health of children and young people for specialists of health protection and educational system.

Potential Executing Agencies – Food and Nutrition Institute in Warsaw, Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, Institute - “Children Health Centre”.

Target group:
obese people and people with weight problem, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, persons working in the area of health protection, teachers, headmasters, people dealing with nutrition at schools, food producers.

2. Education, promotion and prevention as regards oral health care directed at pre-school children, their parents, carers and teachers.

The programme will concern health education – specially dental care – for pre-school children and their carers.

Potential Executing Agencies: The project will be carried out in partnership of ten medical universities in Poland, at the head of the Medical University in Poznań.

Potential Beneficiaries:
departments/units of children dentistry or non-invasive dentistry at medical universities/medical academies

Target group:
pre-school children (3-5 years old), their parents, carers and teachers

3. The programnme of HCV infections prevention, within the framework of the programme following measures may be implemented:

  • Education of health care workers as well as general public on the HCV infections, channels of transmission, diagnosis and treatment with a view to improve the effectiveness of recognizing HCV infected people as well as the motivation to undergo tests, ensuring the correct diagnostics, counseling, care and treatment;
  • Screening of pregnant women and drug users in respect of HCV infections;
  • Estimation of HCV occurrence in Poland;
  • Risk level evaluation of HCV infection in the light of the applied medical procedures.

Potential Executing Agencies – National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene – the leading institution, Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Nicolaus Copericus University in Toruń, Medical Academy in Wrocław, State Sanitary Inspection.

Potential Beneficiaries:
State Sanitary Inspection, clinics of infectious diseases at medical academies/medical universities, health care institutions

Target group:
pregnant women, drug users

4. Prophylactic programme for the prevention of addiction to alcohol, tobacco and other psychoactive substances.

Within the programme the following activities might be implemented:

  • trainings  for primary care physicians (paediatricians), gynaecologists, neonatologists, occupational health physicians, obstetricians, voivodeship and poviat co-ordinators from sanitary-epidemiological stations and teachers;
  • implementation of educational measures addressed to pregnant women;
  • national social campaign;
  • national survey aiming at the determination of health behaviors of pregnant women and the evaluation of measures undertaken.

Potential Executing Agencies:
The Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, The Institute of Agricultural Medicine, The State Agency for the Prevention of Alcohol-Related Problems, The Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, The National Bureau for Drug Prevention.

Potential beneficiaries:
The Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, The Institute of Agricultural Medicine, The State Agency for the Prevention of Alcohol-Related Problems, The Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, The National Bureau for Drug Prevention, The Supreme Medical Chamber, The Main Chamber of Nurses and Midwives and The Polish Gynecological Society.

Target groups:
pregnant women, women at reproductive age, students of secondary schools, primary care physicians (pediatricians), gynecologists, neonatologists, occupational health physicians, obstetricians, voivodeship and poviat coordinators from sanitary-epidemiological stations and teachers.

Objective No. 2)
To strengthen primary health care and social services in the peripherial and disadvantageous region of the geographic focus areas in favouring a multi-sectoral programmatic approach

On account of the specific character of the sector covered by the support, the call for programme proposals within a given objective is of restricted character (there will be no open call for the programme proposals). The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy takes part in the identification process of the  programmes eligible for co-financing.

Total allocation for the above objective: up to CHF 23 million; The entire allocation within the Objective No. 2 of focus area “Health” will be assigned to programmes implemented in geographical focus areas (Lubelskie, Podkarpackie, Świętokrzyskie, Małopolskie). In each voivodship of the geographic focus at least one programme on the regional level will be implemented. A programme co-financing will amount from CHF 4 to 6 Mio.

The programmes proposed by Executing Agencies will be subject to formal appraisal by the Intermediate Body, and content-related appraisal  by the Intermediate Body, the National Coordination Unit and the Swiss side. The final decision on co-financing will be taken by the donor state.

The Executing Agency preparing a given programme will be responsible to the Intermediate Body for programme implementation within the scope of authorisations granted, in compliance with the adopted procedures and the binding law.

The Intermediate Body will be responsible for monitoring of the correctness and the degree of programme implementation, ensuring audit and supervising the financial issues of the programme.
Support within the Objective No.2 of focus area “Health” covers:
Programmes aimed at supporting community homes and/or childcare centres and their personnel will be implemented. In the view of the people living in the community homes, the following 24-hour institutions may be covered by the support: for elderly people, for chronically physically ill, for chronically mentally ill, for mentally disabled adults, for mentally disabled children and youth, for physically disabled persons. In case of childcare centres, the support applies as well to 24-hour establishments. Programmes are aimed at having a positive impact on the improvement of living conditions of residents, quality of services provided to them as well as working conditions of personnel of community homes and/or childcare centres.

Programme Executing Agencies: Regional Self-government in Voivodship Lubelskie, Małopolskie, Podkarpackie through the Regional Social Policy Centres, and Voivode of Świętokrzyskie Province through the Social Policy Department in the Voivodship Office. Component No.3 within the programmes may be implemented in cooperation with Postgraduate Education Centre for Nurses and Midwives.

Programme beneficiaries: public or non-profit oriented entities running community homes and/or childcare centres.

Each programme in the four target regions will be composed of 3 components:

First component
– the improvement of the infrastructure of community homes and/or childcare centers by implementing remedy programmes, including investments and/or reconstruction/extension/modernisation, as well as tasks connected with the purchase of the necessary equipment and/or its restoration. The basic aim of this component is to improve the quality of services rendered to the people living in community homes and/or childcare centers and /or to extend the number of these services. The Executing Agencies will organise respective calls for project proposals for programme beneficiaries which are of open character and will be responsible for the formal and content-related appraisal of received applications. The selection of projects to be supported will be carried out by a Steering Committee appointed by the Executing Agency. The Steering Committee will be composed of experts in the field  appointed by the Executing Agency (internal, external) as well as the representatives of regional/local administration, social partners and NGOs acting in relevant region as observers.

Target groups:
community homes and/or childcare centres run by public or non-profit oriented entities;

Second component
– the enhancement of professional qualifications of personnel of community homes and/or childcare centers, principally working directly with their residents. The Executing Agencies will carry out the analysis of training needs of personnel of community homes and/or childcare centers in the relevant region, indicate measures connected with the enhancement of professional qualifications (e.g. type and content of training programmes), select services providers (according to the Public Procurement Procedure), and conduct the recruitment of participants through an open announcement of recruitment.

Target groups:
personnel of community homes and/or childcare centers run by public or non-profit oriented entities.

Third component
– the improvement of the quality of nursing services for the persons living in community homes covering the enhancement of professional qualification of the nurses/male nurses working in community homes, providing community homes with the equipment for nurses to render services, being the minimum necessary equipment of the nurses.

Target groups:
nurses working for community homes run by public or non-profit oriented entities who completed at least the secondary education in the nurse profession and who have to complete their qualifications in accordance with the compulsory requirements of  National Health Fund within a scope of contracting nursing services. The support will concern only those nurses for whom it is necessary to obtain the additional qualifications necessary to practice the nurse profession. The implementation scheme is similar to the scheme within the second component.

Maximum rate of investment costs should amount up to 70% of the overall eligible programme costs (mainly in component No.1, incl. purchase of equipment within the component No.3). 



List of projects 


To contribute to the knowledge based economy trough the enhancement of the knowledge base  and in particular through research, know-how and technology transfer.

Obligatory programme value:

The overall Programme amounts to approximately CHF 27,058 million (calculated with the assumption of up to CHF 23 million (85%) of the Swiss contribution and CHF 4,058 million (15%) of co-financing on the Polish side), out of which around CHF 24,3 Mio shall be used to finance joint research projects and to conduct their audit.

Current allocation from the Swiss side: 27 464 345 Swiss francs (as of 2012).

Funding of joint research projects

Projects implemented within the Research Programme could be financed up to 100 percent. of eligible costs (85 per cent. is funded by the Swiss side and 15 per cent. from the Polish budget).

Eligible expenses

In general, eligible expenses are those costs that are borne by Polish Beneficiary and its Swiss partner. Division of expenses among partners of the Project is determined in the partnership agreement, however the maximum admissible participation of the Swiss partner in the total eligible expenses of the Project may not exceed 50% of the Swiss contribution to the PSRP.

The beginning of the eligibility of costs is the date on which the Grant Agreement is signed by all parties. Expenditure in joint research projects may not be incurred later than 30 June 2016.

Final beneficiaries:

  • public and non-public universities,
  • research and development entities,
  • scientific centres of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
  • non-governmental research organisations conducting scientific activity, 
  • other entities running activities in the area of research and development.

Please note that if an applying entity runs above all an economic activity, or if the proposed research project is connected with an economic activity, aid can only be granted if in conformity with the European Commission (EC) Regulation no 800/2008 of 6 August 2008, declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General block exemption Regulation).

Thematic focus areas:

On the motion of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and after consultation of the Swiss side, projects, within  the Swiss – Polish Cooperation Programme, shall be implemented in the following research areas:

  • ICT (Information and Communication Technology),
  • Energy – renewable energy sources,
  • Nanotechnology,
  • Health,
  • Environment.

Instutional system

Institution responsible for implementation of the Program will be the Information Processing Center, acting as the Executing Agency. Information Processing Center will, among other things, be responsible for conducting the call for proposals, organization of the selecting process and evaluation itself, concluding agreements with selected Polish-Swiss partners, projects monitoring and reporting, as well as transmission payment claims to the National Coordination Unit (i.e. the Ministry of Economic Development).

In order to assure the visibility of joint research projects’ granting process, the Joint Selection Committee, constituted by 3 Polish and 3 Swiss members, has been appointed. The Joint Selection Committee takes the final grant decision on projects, based on the list of ranked applications - prepared by Information Processing Center - and monitors the Programme’s implementation.

Concluding an agreement and inauguration of Research Programme

Implementation Agreement concerning Polish - Swiss Research Programme was signed on 16 December 2009. The same day at the University of Freiburg in Switzerland an information meeting for the Swiss scientific community took place. 14 January 2010 in Warsaw an opening a conference of the Polish-Swiss Research Programme was organised.

The support will concern:

  • research projects worth from CHF 300’000 to CHF 1 million (tentatively 60% of the total allocation is earmarked for this kind of projects)
  • research projects worth above CHF 1 million to CHF 2 million (tentatively 40% of the total allocation is earmarked);

The partnership of at least 1 Polish and at least 1 Swiss institution is compulsory in submitted projects.


Executing Agency for the Polish-Swiss Research Programe

Information Processing Centre
188 b Niepodległości Av., 00-608 Warszawa



The Scientific Exchange Programme (Sciex-NMSch) under which the Scholarship Fund is implemented, aims at contributing to the reduction of economic and social disparities in the enlarged European Union through fostering the scientific capacities of researchers in new  UE member states and promoting sustainable research partnerships between the eight   new UE member states and Switzerland.
The main goal of the programme is to establish scientific partnerships, which will:

  • Develop individual researchers’ capacities (human capital);
  • Foster scientific progress and innovation (scientific prospects); and
  • Establish or enhance networks between researchers (networking).

CHF 12 million

1 April 2009 - 31 December 2016

Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities (CRUS)  

There are 2 components of the Fund:

1. Component : Research Fellowships
Research fellowships have a duration between a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 24 months. These fellowships are reserved for promising postgraduate Polish Junior Researchers who (1) aim at attaining a PhD Degree or (2) pursue postdoctoral research, normally with the intention to qualify for professorship. An average fellowship for each 6-month period will be CHF 25’000 (in the 1st year) and CHF 27’500 (in the 2nd year) in the case of a PhD candidate and CHF 40’000 for Post Docs. Additionally i.e. travel costs may be reimbursed.

2. Component : Short-term research visits
Senior Researchers from the Poland and from Switzerland can apply for short-term research visits. Application for financing can be made for the following purposes:
(1) Designing and implementing with the partner scientist a joint research project that employs a junior scientist who has a fellowship;
(2) Mentoring visit(s) to support Junior Researchers involved in the research project.
(3) Setting-up follow-up research projects which do not include further fellowships financed by the Swiss contribution.
In principle, financing is provided for 5-day visits.
The maximal allowance for a 5-day visit is CHF 2'500.- including travel.

Funding can support all academic disciplines.

The Scholarship Fund Agreement was signed on 26 th March 2009 in Bern.


According to the Swiss side decision in 7 calls for proposalas had been conducted:

  • 1st of September - 1st of November 2010


Punkt Kontaktowy Funduszu Stypendialnego

Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji

ul. Mokotowska 43
00-551 Warszawa
tel.+48/022 46 31 470
fax +48/022 46 31 028

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