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Rehabilitation and modernisation of basic infrastructure and improvement of the environment


Objective 1: To enhance municipal infrastructure services in order to increase living standards and promote economic development
Objective 2: To increase energy efficiency and to reduce emissions, in particular greenhouse gases and hazardous substances
Objective 3: To improve the management, the safety, the efficiency and the reliability of communal/regional public transportation systems

Total allocation:

a) For the focus area: to 188 908 779 Swiss francs (as of 2012);

Obligatory project values:

Within objective 1 - projects of minimum value of 15 Mio Swiss francs;
Within objective 2 - projects of minimum value of 10 Mio Swiss francs;
Within objective 3 - projects of minimum value of 3 Mio Swiss francs (non-investment projects) and minimum value of 10 Mio Swiss francs (projects including investment elements).
Maximum project value – none

Project approach is obligatory in a given area:

A project is an economically indivisible series of activities fulfilling a precise technical function and with clearly identifiable objectives and addressed at economic, environment or social needs within a given focus area.

Types of eligible projects:

Objective 1 – open call for project outlines lasted from 19 January to 20 April 2009.

Type of project

Supplementing   the   existing  waste  management  system  by  collecting, depositing, sorting and cleaning hazardous waste, including hospital waste, as well as reducing the risk of asbestos.


List of projects:

  • KIK/39 Pilot asbestos waste management system reinforced with working quantity monitoring and control system of the waste removal and neutralisation in the lubelskie voivodeship;
  • KIK/42 Construction of the modern waste management system, reclamation of inactive waste dumps and asbestos elimination in the territory of the communes being the members of Association of Communes of Lubartów subregion;
  • KIK/71 Disassembly and safe storage of products containing asbestos from the area of Małopolskie Voivodeship. 

Objective 2 - open call for project outlines lasted from 19 January to 20 April 2009

Types of projects 

1) Improvement of energy efficiency by introducing renewable energy systems (including inter alia pilot projects with demonstration effect).

2) Rehabilitation, renovation and/or modernization of municipal heating systems in city areas (densely developed with apartment blocks) heated by small local boiler houses and stoves in which the permissible and target air pollution levels are exceeded.

3) Rehabilitation / renovation and/or modernization of energy sources and heating installations in public healthcare units, which provide hospitalization  services  and public schools.


List of projects:

  • KIK/41 Installation of renewable energy systems on the public utility buildings and private houses in the following Communes: Niepołomice, Wieliczka, Skawina and Kłaj;
  • KIK/44 The Programme for Enhancing the Use of Renewable Energy Sources and Improving the Quality of Air within the Natura 2000 Areas in the Poviat of Sucha Beskidzka;
  • KIK/46 Installation of renewable energy systems on the public utility buildings and private houses in the communes of Buski Poviat and Pińczowski Poviat;
  • KIK/48 Infrastructure upgrades in public buildings in the Parseta River basin for an improvement of natural environment conditions;
  • KIK/50 Renewable Energy Sources in Mszana Dolna and partner communities;
  • KIK/51 The improvement of energy management efficiency by the introduction of renewable power systems and modernisation of heating installations in selected voivodship public health-care utilities;
  • KIK/61 Replacement of group, exchanger-based heating substations with individual heating substations and modernization of heat distribution network in Warsaw Capital City’s high-density multi-family housing areas where permissible air pollution levels are exceed;
  • KIK/63 Building a renewable energy system – solar collectors in health care facilities, for which the Local Government of Mazowieckie Voivodeship is the executing agency;
  • KIK/66 Installation of renewable energy systems on the public utility buildings and private houses in the Communes which are members of the Union of the Wisłoka River Basin Communes;
  • KIK/73 Biomass cogeneration plant as the base load facility in the Lebork district heating system.

CRITERIA OF CONTENT-RELATED EVALUATION FOR THE ACTIVITY AREA “Rehabilitation and modernisation of basic infrastructure and improvement of the environment” - Objective 1 and 2 (58,5 KB)

Objective 3 - open call for project outlines lasted from 19 January to 20 March 2009.

Types of projects/activities 

Within the Objective 3 it is possible to implement the following activities:

1) Preparation of documentation (such as e.g.: feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments, transport concepts, master plans) for projects combining at least one branch of transport and/or connections between different branches of transport;

2) Projects in the field of traffic management systems (steering systems) for railway and roads and monitoring systems (including electronic system of toll collection) – eligible only as study projects (soft measures such as documentation) or study projects with small investment components;

3) Construction, renovation and/or modernization of railway infrastructure, including particularly projects ensuring efficient railway connections between city centres and airports – study projects, study projects with investment components, investment projects.

4) The purchase of rolling stock.

Current phase of implementation 

List of projects:

  • KIK/22 Development of the public transport in Warsaw metropolitan area through improvement of the WKD (Warsaw Commuter Rail) efficiency, reliability and safety;
  • KIK/23 Procurement of four diesel units to operate the railway section Malbork - Grudziądz, in order to improve the safety, management, efficiency and reliability of the local transport system;
  • KIK/28 Transport Centre in Legionowo.

CRITERIA OF CONTENT-RELATED EVALUATION FOR THE ACTIVITY AREA “Rehabilitation and modernisation of basic infrastructure and improvement of the environment” - Objective 3 (54,5 KB)



Welcome to the gallery of the most interesting events and activities in the area of biodiversity. Click and enter the following file - BIO presents selected activities carried out in the projects:
Eco initiative in projects related to biodiversity - information (June 2013) (209 KB)

Open call for project outlines within this focus area lasted from 19 January to 20 March 2009.
7 projects , listed below, were awarded grants.

Objective of the focus area: 
To protect nature and the functioning of eco-systems in a sustainable manner in the geographic focus areas.

Total allocation:
 9 818 134 Swiss francs (as of 2012)

Binding values of the projects:

Minimum value of co-financing the project - CHF 1 million
Maximum value of co-financing the project - none

Current phase of implementation

List of projects:

  • KIK/24 Survey of the key bird species of the Polish Carpathian Mountains and creating the system of their monitoring and protection;
  • KIK/25 Protection of species diversity of valuable natural habitats on agricultural lands on Natura 2000 areas in the Lublin Voivodeship;
  • KIK/31 The people-friendly Carpathians: A Local Partnership Initiative for Sustainable Use and Protection of Mountain Areas of Podkarpackie Voivodeship;
  • KIK/32 Carpathians unite - mechanism of consultation and cooperation for implementation of the Carpathian Convention;
  • KIK/37 The Upper Raba River Spawning Grounds;
  • KIK/53 The protection of the refugium of the Carpathian forest fauna – migration corridors;
  • KIK/65 Revitalization, biodiversity protection and usage of the Vistula River oxbows; preventing degradation of Upper Vistula River Valley as an ecological corridor.

Types of eligible projects:

 - Improving ecological coherence of Natura 2000 network and of other protected areas

a) development of regional plans and/or programmes for creating and functioning of ecological corridors
b) establishing and managing ecological corridors

- Inventory and monitoring of biodiversity

a) elaborating guidelines and/or programmes for biodiversity inventory
b) field inventory
c) development of biodiversity monitoring system and/or information systems

 - Development of regional strategies for sustainable tourism on protected areas

The strategy documents ought to be prepared in cooperation with regional nature conservation authorities.

 - Awareness building and environmental protection requirements

a) Preparing and conducting informational campaigns together with trainings in the scope of creating „green” work places and „green orders and purchases” at public administration entities, especially in areas of communes located in areas of Nature 2000
b) educational projects (including trainings for public administration workers of all levels in the scope of environment protection law, seminars, workshops, competitions, informational campaigns, e-learning platforms) prepared in cooperation with non-governmental organizations, local authorities and/or communities, in the scope of shaping pro-ecological attitudes, especially in communes located in areas of Natura 2000

- Carpathian Convention: Networking and implementation

a) activities implementing provisions of an article 4 of the Carpathian Convention
b) networking and capacity building in stakeholders, including establishing national mechanism for consultations, coordination and cooperation between the institutions and regional and local authorities

- Cross-border environmental initiatives

Cross-border cooperation, especially in the scope of creating and functioning of protected areas, including trans boundary  protected areas.
Whole above co-operation should be carried out in at least one of four geographic focus of South-Eastern Poland, with content-related participation of foreign partners (financed by Polish Executing Agencies). 

Transfer of funds to foreign project partners is not eligible.

Please note:
Activities implemented within the above types of projects cannot be accompanied or connected with economic activity carried out by the Executing Agency, with reservation to the exception below.

In case when a particular activity within a project is connected with economic activity of the Executing Agency (which can have potential influence on the competition and trade between Member States of the EU), its co-financing can be granted only in form of de minimis aid (EC Regulation No. 1998/2006 of 15th December 2006 on application of art. 87 and 88 of EC Treaty with regard de minimis aid).

CRITERIA OF CONTENT-RELATED EVALUATION FOR THE FOCUS AREA “Biodiversity, protection of ecosystems and support of cross-border environmental initiatives” (57,0 KB)